Blue 7 Red 3 SU in Bowl Games


There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Minn over Ala
N Ill over Troy
BC over UNC
Org St over ND
UConn over Toledo
Fresno over Virg
Hawaii over UAB

TTech over Cal
Wyo over UCLA
GTech over Cuse

It's very obvious that the extra weeks of planning are very adventageous to the more intelligent people from the "blue states." While the holidays might be a great time for the "red staters" to share time with their wives/sisters it is certainly not going to help in the game.

This intangible will help USC tremendously -- congrats to the next BCS champs USC :)

Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001

Now that's a handicapping angle I've never heard of but it makes sense!

Keep em coming Lander

Sep 21, 2004
thanks for the angle lander,i just took michigan +7 against texas in the rose bowl because of your post,also nothing good has ever come out of that cesspool known as the state of texas

"I got my ass kicked by a superior BLUE state"
Sep 22, 2004
I feel sorry for you, lander, if that's how you cap games. Too bad that some athletes and coaches are associated with red teams but were born in blue regions and vice versa. Please tell me that you aren't that stupid.

I guess we should just blindly take the reds on the ML.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I'm glad a Red Stater like you chimed in. This is precisely the point that I was trying to prove about the intelligence gap :

>> Too bad that some athletes and coaches are associated with red teams but were born in blue regions and vice versa. Please tell me that you aren't that stupid.

Take a look at USC's roster. They have 8 red state players out of 100+ players. Do you believe that 8 out of 100+ represents a majority, "stupid"?

Don't feel sorry for me, not only am I more enlightened than you (check the state-by-state school rankings, check where the majority of top rated universities are ;)), but more importantly I'm 8-4 and your-degenerate-loser-self is 4-8.

Happy Holidays sir -- I hope Santa brought you that Confederate Flag that you asked for.

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
lander said:
I'm glad a Red Stater like you chimed in. This is precisely the point that I was trying to prove about the intelligence gap :

>> Too bad that some athletes and coaches are associated with red teams but were born in blue regions and vice versa. Please tell me that you aren't that stupid.

Take a look at USC's roster. They have 8 red state players out of 100+ players. Do you believe that 8 out of 100+ represents a majority, "stupid"?

Don't feel sorry for me, not only am I more enlightened than you (check the state-by-state school rankings, check where the majority of top rated universities are ;)), but more importantly I'm 8-4 and your-degenerate-loser-self is 4-8.

Happy Holidays sir -- I hope Santa brought you that Confederate Flag that you asked for.
and people wonder why the "red-staters" feel like the liberals talk down to them and show little respect for their morals, values and beliefs. keep talking're widening the gap.

"I got my ass kicked by a superior BLUE state"
Sep 22, 2004
Why would I ask for something that I already have? In fact, I have a Confederate Battle flag as well as the Stars and Bars. What's your point?

You seem to have spent the time researching USC's roster so I'll take your word for it, now how about the other 19 teams that you referenced? Don't forget the coaching staff as well. My main point was to say that intelligence or the lack thereof is not limited to a specific area. Your claim is absurd and you know it.

Landers logic: Red-stater= Born in the West, lived in a swing state for 9 years then in the Middle East for 27 months after which you travel frequently between 3 red, 1 blue and 2 swing states. Give me a break!

BTW when I said we should take the ML (ML refers to money line) you'd actually come out way ahead than by blindly taking the blue states. Math must not have been your major at Suffolk Community College.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Actually, I went to an elite North Eastern University, but thanks for the concern.

Well, I'm glad they're starting to that I'm talking down to them because I AM. I talk down to them because they are intellectually, socially and morally inferior. You are a rare breed sir as I think you are a blue trapped in a red's body, but I suspect that has to with wonderful influence that the great state of Illinois has made on you. Cujo, his inferior education and his racist flag collection, on the other hand, are not salvagable.

Happy New Year sir -- you live in a great state with a future president in office as a first term Senator ;)

"I got my ass kicked by a superior BLUE state"
Sep 22, 2004

Could you please elaborate as to how someone born in a non-lander approved state is socially, morally and intellectually inferior?

Could you also tell me what makes my education inferior to yours? Why my flag collection is racist? :think2:

I strongly suspect that you haven't even read the Confederate Constitution yet you talk like you know it all. Even though I've spent the overwhelming majority of my life in a swing or blue state could you tell me why I'm a red-stater if location is so important to the mind's development?

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Apparently you couldn't process my posts in their entirety the first time around, but I will assume the blame for not speaking down to my audience.

>> [CuJoke] Could you please elaborate as to how someone born in a non-lander approved state is socially, morally and intellectually inferior?
[Lander] (check the state-by-state school rankings, check where the majority of top rated universities are ),

>> [CuJoke] Could you also tell me what makes my education inferior to yours? Why my flag collection is racist?
[CuJoke] I have a Confederate Battle flag

I thought the answer was self-evident, but apparently this was only true for the diverse, tolerant members. If you consider a symbol of slavery to be a collector's item then that is your perrogative. For your sake, you'd better hope that God hates people of color too.

>> [CuJoke] I'm a red-stater if location is so important to the mind's development?<!-- / message -->
Enviromental influence plays a significant role in a child's development.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Hopefully the children (CuJoke) have gone to bed, so we can get back to solid trends.

Swing States gone red are 5-0 over Strongly Sheepish Red States

Ohio St over Ok St
Col over UTEP
BG over Mem
Iowa over LSU
Fla St over WV

The high correlation between stupidity and redness is undisputable.

Sep 21, 2004
thank you lander,because of your fine analysis,i took michigan +7 and got the money,i really appreciate it,happy new year sir :money8:

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Happy New Year sir! There is little doubt which side of the Mason-Dixon line a sophisticated gentleman like yourself resides on.

May 05' be filled with success and happiness for you and yours sir.

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"I got my ass kicked by a superior BLUE state"
Sep 22, 2004
Or you could have taken the Red money line and be way up. BTW you forgot Navy, lander.

Whyy don't you read the Confederate and U.S. Constitutions and tell me which one is more racist. Ignorance is bliss, ain't it? I don't know if you're black or not, but you'd make a good black guy. Not all blacks are racists but there are a few that see only race and, like you, will always try to tie things to racism. You never assume that I just hate people but that I hate them for their race. History wasn't your major there at Suffolk, either, I can see.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I left Navy off intentionally. I doubt there is a surplus of home-state players (Maryland) as there is with other schools (not that you figured that out the first time).

>> I don't know if you're black or not, but you'd make a good black guy.
Are there any black posters that do not find this offensive?

The irony of your tirades is that I'd be willing to bet that 95% of minorities are better people than you. There's a reason the North kicked your asses -- we're smarter than a bunch of imbred racist hillbillies.


"I got my ass kicked by a superior BLUE state"
Sep 22, 2004

Scroll up and read my 2nd post. I was born in a blue state.

I guess Law wasn't your major at Suffolk, either. Keep talking and eventually I'll figure it out.

I see no discernible fact that blue states (which is subjective in and of itself) are any smarter than red states.

Just answer me this, how can you reconcile that by blindly taking the ML on the so-called red states you'd be better off than by backing the so-called blues? If you're so confident of a Trojan victory on Tuesday, perhaps you'll risk your posting priviledges against mine. Straight money line wager. Let's see if your system can come through in the clutch. Look at it this way if you win you'd be rid of a pathetic red-stater. FWIW I have 4 different races in my heritage.

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